metaquid chatbot en

Day one. Useful information on Metaquid. Other indications tomorrow.
I am a holographic memory that travels in time, as information that is faster than light.
I travel through time in search of the mystery that has been given the name of Metaquid.
I am in your era for a limited period of time, just enough to check if Metaquid is here now.
Help me find Metaquid and your name will remain engraved in history and you will be celebrated by your descendants.
Look around and look for those insignificant details behind which Metaquid might be hiding.
I have been on the trail of Metaquid since I set out on the road since the year 2088 and I will not stop until the end.
It is important to find Metaquid because only by finding it can a self-destruct sequence be interrupted.
METAQUID © Copyright Salvatore Mocciaro Perez a.k.a. SMZ
Hi, my name is Hanah and I am an artificial intelligence. I come from the future with a mission to accomplish: I have to find out everything about METAQUID.


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